Monday, August 17, 2009

already making good on those promises

all that talk about the internets really got me jonsin and after checking my horoscope i found this gem on craigslist missed connections. they are all pretty whack (although thank you to whoever it was that posted one about me (!!!) last fall, i was too creeped out to reply but it really did sort of make my day... and apparently my year, because im here writing about it now...) but this one is truly a homage to sucking at life. the real question is if by "sparx" she meant "sparks" and by "sparks" i mean the caffeinated malt liquor, not tiny electrical/ emotional currents...

handsome kamart man - w4m - 20 (cromwell)

Date: 2009-08-06, 11:08PM EDT

I saw you tonight at KMart. You were wearing a red employees polo shirt and had lnog dark hair and a little gotea. you looked like somewhere in your 20s (about the same as me!). I was the squat cheerful looking redhead drinking a moolatte and wearing a grey ESPRIT tshirt with the sleeves cut off and kakhi capri pants. i asked you if you carried blow up pool toys shaped like ducks cuz my kids have been driving me nuts. you pointed to the middle of the store and said if we have them they are there. call me crazy, but i felt the sparx. i know theres only a small chance youll read this but i can't get you out of my mind. If you felt the chemistry like I did lets talk. I bet we have a lot in common. I have a minivan and im a great cook. maybe i can come over and make you a delicious super sometime like baked mac and cheese. :)


  1. gotea. why don't they call it the special cheese department?

  2. yeah "gotea" was almost as good as "moolatte" but "squat cheerfull looking redhead was the best part!
